Under Graduate Courses

Bachelor of Science- Computer Science (B Sc-CS):

Sem-I Sem-II
Paper Name Paper Name
Digital System and Architecture Design & Analysis of Algorithms
Intro. To Programming with Python Advanced python Programming -II
Linux Intro to Oops using C++
Open-Source Technology Data base System
Discrete mathematics Calculus
Descriptive Statistics Statistics Methods
Soft Skill Development E-Commerce and Digital Marketing
Sem-III Sem-IV
Paper Name Paper Name
Linear Algebra Fundamental of Algorithms
Data Structure Advanced JAVA
Operating Systems Computer Network
Advance Database concept Software Engineering
Java Based Application Development Linear Algebra Using Python
Web Technologies .NET Technology
Green Technologies Skill Enhancement: Android Developer Fundamentals
Sem-V Sem-VI
Paper Name Paper Name
Information and Network Security Wireless Sensor Networks and Mobile Communication
Web Services Cloud Computing
Game Programming Information Retrieval
Linux Server Administration Data Science
Software Testing and Quality Assurance Ethical Hacking
Practical of Elective – I Practical of Elective – I
Practical of Elective – II Practical of Elective – II
Project Implementation Project Implementation
Practical of Skill Enhancement : USCS507 Practical of Skill Enhancement : USCS607

Program Outcome (POs)

Department of Computer Science- Bachelor of Computer Science (BSc-CS)

A Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BSc CS) program typically prepares students for careers in the field of computer science. The program covers a wide range of topics related to the design, development, and use of computer systems and software. Outcomes of a BSc CS program include:

PO1 Technical skills: Students should develop strong technical skills in areas such as programming languages, algorithms and data structures, computer networks, operating systems, and databases.

PO2 Problem-solving skills: Students should be able to analyze complex problems and develop solutions using computer science tools and techniques.

PO3 Communication skills: Students should be able to communicate effectively with colleagues and stakeholders, both verbally and in writing.

PO4 Teamwork and collaboration: Students should learn to work effectively in teams and collaborate with others to develop and implement computer science solutions.

PO5 Ethical and professional conduct: Students should be aware of ethical issues in computer science and demonstrate professional conduct in their work.

PO6 Lifelong learning: Students should have a strong foundation in computer science that will enable them to adapt to new technologies and continue learning throughout their careers

Programe Specific Outcome (POs)

Department of Computer Science- Bachelor of Computer Science (BSc-CS)

PO1 Graduates will have a strong foundation in programming languages and be able to design, implement, and troubleshoot software applications.

PO2 Algorithms and Data Structures: Graduates should have a solid understanding of algorithms and data structures, enabling them to solve complex problems efficiently.

PO3 Computer Systems: Understanding the architecture and components of computer systems, including hardware and operating systems.

Course Outcome (COs)

Department of Computer Science- Bachelor of Computer Science (BSc-CS)


USCS101 Computer Organization and Design 

CO1. Understand the basic components and functioning of computer systems, including input/output devices, memory, processor, and storage devices.

CO2. Develop an understanding of digital logic design and its application in building circuits, including combinational and sequential logic circuits.

CO3. Understand the architecture and organization of a computer system, including the role of the processor, memory, and input/output devices.

CO4. Develop an understanding of assembly language programming, including instruction formats, addressing modes, and instruction set architecture.

CO5. Understand the basics of operating system concepts, including process management, memory management, and file system.

CO6. Analyze the performance of computer systems, including the role of cache memory, virtual memory, and disk scheduling algorithms.

USCS102 Programming with Python- I

CO1. Students will be able to understand the basic concepts of programming such as variables, data types, control structures, functions, and objects.

CO2. Students will be able to use Python libraries to solve problems related to data analysis, data visualization, scientific computing, and machine learning.

CO3. Students will learn how to use Python to manipulate data, including reading and writing data to files, processing data in memory, and cleaning and transforming data.

CO4. Students will understand the principles of object-oriented programming and be able to write Python programs using classes, objects, and inheritance.

CO5. Students will learn how to use Python to build web applications, including using web frameworks such as Flask or Django.

CO6. Students will be able to use Python to work with databases, including connecting to databases, querying data, and modifying data.

CO7. Students will understand how to use Python for network programming, including socket programming, client-server communication, and web scraping.

USCS103 Free and Open Source Software

CO1. Learner will understand the difference between open-source software and commercial software.

CO2. Understand the policies, licensing procedures and ethics of FOSS.

CO3. Understand open-source philosophy, methodology and ecosystem.

CO4. Awareness with Open-Source Technologies.

CO5. Differentiate between Open Source and Proprietary software and Licensing.

CO6. Recognize the applications, benefits and features of Open-Source Technologies Gain knowledge to start, manage open-source projects.

USCS104 Database Systems

CO1. Understand the fundamental concepts of database management systems, including data modeling, database design, and relational databases.

CO2. Design and implement database schemas and tables using SQL, and perform various SQL operations such as selecting, inserting, updating, and deleting data.

CO3. Understand and apply the principles of normalization to ensure data integrity and eliminate data redundancy in database design.

CO4. Develop an understanding of data storage and retrieval techniques, including indexing, sorting, and hashing.

CO5. Understand the principles of database security, including access control, authentication, and authorization, and implement them in a database environment.

CO6. Analyze and evaluate the performance of database queries and transactions, and optimize them to improve system performance.

USCS105 Discrete Mathematics

CO1. To understand the concepts of mathematical logic for analyzing propositions via truth tables and proving theorems.

CO2. Apply sets for analyze & solving applied problems, and apply the properties of set operations algebraically.

CO3. Help to understand the purpose of mathematical induction is to be able to prove an equation works for all natural numbers and help how to find the recursive formula of a sequence

CO4. Understand the relations on sets and their properties.

CO5. Investigate functions as relations and their properties and Evaluate functions as relations and their properties.

CO6. To understand the basic concepts of graphs, digraphs, and trees.