Statutory Declaration Under
Section 4(1) (b) of the RTI Act 2005
Section 4(1) (b) of RTI Act 2005 covers the statutory declaration on the Website of Yashwantrao Chavan College of Arts, Commerce and Science, Koparkhairane Navi Mumbai. It covers all the rules and regulations which are implemented by Govt. of Maharashtra.
Our College is a “College of co- education”, which is registered under society act by Govt. of Maharashtra and affiliated to University of Mumbai, Mumbai.
The College comes under “Un-aided” category. The College has different Bodies to maintain all types of disciplines in the campus. The college offers seven undergraduate programmes and one Master’s degree programme.
All the committees of the institution are under Statutory Bodies and come under section 4(1) (b) of RTI Act 2005. The applications under the RTI Act along with a postal order/ demand draft for Rs.10.00 obtained in favor of Principal,
Yashwantrao Chavan College of Arts, Commerce and Science, may be sent or handed over in his office.
RTI -Disclosure under Section 4(1)(b)
1.Organization Functions and Duties
Yashwantrao Chavan College of Arts, Commerce and Science is established in 2008-2009 by under the dynamic leadership of Hon’ble Shri. Vithalrao .M. Jadhav, former Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha). The college is affiliated to University of Mumbai, Mumbai.
The Principal, Yashwantrao Chavan College of Arts, Commerce and Science are the Academic and Administrative Head of the College. Assistant Professors under various department work under the guidance of the Principal.
An excellent academic team heads the academic activities. College has well equipped library and also is vibrant with a creative and socially committed campus having N.S.S., Indoor Activities etc.
- Objective : To provide Co- Education to students
- Vision: “To be an institute that nurtures business professional to deliver social and economic impact.”
- Mission: “To provide quality education to enhance individual performance and elevate professional standards through innovative training programs in varied disciplines, research and extension activities.”
- Brief History of the college: The College is managed by Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Education, Science and Technological Research Trust, Nanded (M.S), under the dynamic leadership of Hon’ble Shri. Vithalrao .M. Jadhav, former Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha). The trust has to its credit number of schools (State Board & CBSE), B.Ed, D.Ed College, Engineering College, Management College and a Agriculture College. Aim of the trust is to carry out educational, technical and research activities. The degree college has started in the year 2008 -2009 with B.Sc (Information Technology) and B.Sc (Computer Science). The college has started degree courses i.e. B.M.S, B.M.M, B.Com from academic year 2010-11, B.A and M Com from 2019-2020 and B Sc (Hospitality studies) for 2020-2021. The college is having good infrastructure and all modern facilities required as per the norm and conditions of the University of Mumbai. The college provides healthy environment for teaching, learning and innovation. All the faculty members of Yashwantrao Chavan College take personal interest in the overall development of students. The college offers courses on various disciplines of Humanities, Science and Commerce.
- Duties of the college: Providing quality education.
- Main activities / function: Teaching and Learning.
- Monitoring Body: Governing Body
- Address of the college: Plot No 23, Sector-15 Near D-Mart, Koparkhairane, Navi Mumbai-400709.
- Office hours: 10.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.
1. The Power & Duties of Officers and Employees
The Principal of the College is the Academic and Administrative Head of the College. Administrative office is headed by the Senior Clerk supported by Junior Clerks.
Assistant professors of various departments under the supervision of senior teacher as the Head in charge of the department support the Principal in academic matters.
2. The Procedure Followed In the Decision Making Process, Including Channels Of Supervision And Accountability.
The Principal in consultation with Governing Body, various committees constituted in the college and in support of the office makes suitable decisions for the proper conduct of the college. The rules of Maharashtra State & subordinate Service rules, Maharashtra Education Act & Rules, Statutes of the affiliating University are also strictly followed in this regard.
3. The Norms Set By the College for the Discharge of Its Functions
The functions of the Yashwantrao Chavan College of Arts, Commerce and Science are discharged in accordance with the various rules and regulations constituted for the purpose. All the functions are discharged under the supervision and control of UGC / State Government/ University/ Management/ Academic Coordinator /Principal as per assignment of functions. Issues are dealt with on priority basis, expeditiously taking into account, the various instructions issued from time to time.
4. The Rules, Regulations, Instructions, Manuals and Records Held by it or under its Control or used by its Employees for Discharging its Functions
- The Constitution of India
- Maharashtra State Service Rules
- Laws Relating To Civil Services
- Maharashtra Education Act & Rule
- Statutes of the University Of Mumbai, Mumbai as amended from time to
- Rules for the conduct of Classes/ Library/Labs/ Committees of the college as amended from time to time.
5. Particulars of any arrangement that exists for consultation with or representation by, the members of the public in relation to the formulation of its policy or implementation there of:
There is no arrangement to solicit the views of the members of the public in relation to the formulation of policies or implementation thereof in the College.
6. Statement of boards, councils, committees and other bodies consisting of two or more persons constituted as its part or for the purpose of its advice and as to whether meetings of those boards, councils, committees and other bodies are open to the public, or the minutes of such meetings are accessible for public.
The following committees and cells have been constituted by the Principal for its functioning. Meetings of these committees are not open to the public. Minutes of the meetings will be made available to the public on request, subject to the provisions of the RTI act, 2005:
- Anti Ragging Cell
- Anti-Sexual Harassment Cell
- Career Guidance and Placement Cell
- Counseling Committee
- Discipline Committee
- NAAC Committee
- Remedial Coaching
- Sports and Cultural Committee
- Student Grievance Redress Cell
- Website Committee
- Women’s Development Cell
7. Directory/ Details of Officers
- Dr. L V Talnikar (First Appellate Authority)
Phone (O) 022 27545242-229576 e mail- yccollege08@gmail.com
- Kavita V. Shinde. Public Information Officer
Phone No. 8652545010 e mail- kavitashinde26@gmail.com
8. Manner of execution of subsidy programmes, including the amounts allocated and details of beneficiaries of such programmes
No subsidy programmes are executed by the College and no amount has been allocated for the same.
9. Particulars of recipients of concessions, permits or authorisations granted by the College
Details of the students receiving fee concessions under different schemes of the Government are available in the office upon request.
10. Name, designation and other particulars of the appellate authority and Public information officer.
Appellate Authority: Prof: Dr. L V Talnikar, The Principal
Public Information Officer: Dr. Kavita Vijay Shinde, Head, Department of Economics.