Under Graduate Courses

Bachelor of Science- Information Technology (BSc-IT):

Sem-I Sem-II
Paper Name Paper Name
Programming Principles with C Object oriented Programming

Digital Logic and Applications

Microprocessor Architecture

Fundamentals Of Database Management System

Web Programming

Computational logic and Discrete Structure

Numerical and Statistical Methods

Technical Communication Skill

Green Computing
Sem-III Sem-IV
Paper Name Paper Name
Python Programming   Core Java
Data Structure Introduction to Embedded Systems
Computer Networks Computer Oriented Statistical Techniques
Database Management Systems Software Engineering
Applied Mathematics Computer Graphics and Animation
Sem-V Sem-V
Paper Name Paper Name
Software Project Management Software Quality Assurance
Internet of Things Security in Computing
Advanced Web Programming Business Intelligence
Linux System Administration Principles of Geographic Information Systems
Enterprise Java Cyber Laws


Programe Outcome (POs)

Department of Science- Bachelor of Scince in Information Technology (BSc IT)

A Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSc IT) program typically preparesstudents for careers in the information technology field. The program covers a broad range oftopics related to the design, development, and management of computer-based informationsystems.Program outcomes of a BSc IT program include:

PO1. Technical skills: Students should develop strong technical skills in areas such asprogramming languages, database design, networking, cybersecurity, and softwaredevelopment. 

PO2. Problem-solving skills: Students should be able to analyze complex problems anddevelop solutions using information technology tools and techniques.

PO3. Communication skills: Students should be able to communicate effectively withcolleagues and stakeholders, both verbally and in writing.

PO4. Teamwork and collaboration: Students should learn to work effectively in teamsand collaborate with others to develop and implement information technologysolutions.

PO5. Ethical and professional conduct: Students should be aware of ethical issues ininformation technology and demonstrate professional conduct in their work.

PO6. Lifelong learning: Students should have a strong foundation in informationtechnology that will enable them to adapt to new technologies and continue learningthroughout their careers.Overall, a BSc IT program aims to prepare students to be competent, skilled, and ethicalprofessionals in the field of information technology.

Programe Specific Outcome (PSOs)

Department of Science- Bachelor of Scince in Information Technology (BSc IT)

PSO1 Graduates will have a strong foundation in information technology concepts and technologies, including programming languages, databases, networks, and systems development.

PSO2 Analyzing complex problems and developing effective solutions using information technology tools and methodologies.

PSO3 Attain proficiency in programming languages and software development practices, enabling them to design and create software applications.

Course Outcome (COs)

Department of Science- Bachelor of Scince in Information Technology (BSc IT)


USIT101 Imperative Programming

CO1.Apply the fundamental concepts of programming to write simple programs in

CO2.Understand the history and evolution of programming languages and

CO3.Synthesize programming logic using pseudocode and flowchart symbols to develop

CO4.Evaluate program logic to identify and fix errors and

CO5.Create efficient and effective programs by applying programming concepts and

CO6.Understand the program development cycle and the importance of debugging and

CO7.Apply conditional statements and loops to decision making within a

CO8.Understand the use and implementation of arrays and strings in

CO9.Evaluate program structure and design to ensure readability, maintainability and

CO10.Create and use functions and pointers to modularize and optimize program

USIT102 Digital Electronics

CO1.It is designed for computer students who have limited or no previous exposure to python data

CO2.To learn different architecture and organization of memory

CO3.After studying this subject student will understand actual practical process, organization and control

CO4.It will help the student to understand how digital and analog system, device and components work on number system

CO5.It will help the students to understand of digital system and operations of a digital.