Director Desk

Dr. S.D. More

M.Sc. (Agri.) Ph.D., LL.B.
Former Director of Instruction & Dean Faculty of Agriculture, VNMKV.
Former Director of Extension (Education), VNMKV.
Former Associate Dean Instruction, VNMKV”

Technology is revolutionizing all areas of human endeavors and more particularly agriculture. Inventions and innovations will be the key to successful and sustainable agriculture. More than 65% of the Indian population depends on agriculture for their livelihoods. There are large number small & marginal farmers in our country. Smaller the farm greater is the need for higher productivity. Production Technology of industrialized countries provided institutional structures developed for confirming the power of scale to small producers at the production and post harvest phases of farming. Agricultural progress can be accelerated if there is a system approach for production planning with concurrent attention to all the links in the production-marketing- consumption chain.
Biotechnology is essentially a commercial activity therefore its focus is determined by consumer needs and preferences. Biotechnology is making notable contributions to agriculture and Indian industry sector. BT-Cotton has enjoyed tremendous success. Area under this cotton is increased at a rapid place. There has been a gradual change in public view and in many countries Biotechnology products are finding increasingly greater public acceptance.
The Biotechnology has become one of the dream discipline of increasingly large number of students. Biotechnology provides an opportunity to convert bioresources into economic wealth. The Agricultural Biotechnology is relevant to different Crops, Fisheries, Agro-Forestry, Animals, Postharvest and Food Processing.