Library is back bone of college. It is located on second floor in the college building. The College Provides a very good library system which contains a large number of text books, reference books and subscribes wide range of magazines, periodicals and newspapers.
In addition to this library provide access to thousands of e-resources through Public Access Catalogue (OPAC). The reading room of the college library provides to 100 students at a time. A separate section equipped with required resources has been developed for the students preparing for competitive examinations.
The library is open from 9:00 am till 4:00 pm on all working days. There is a separate reading room for students and faculty members.
Rules of Library
- Books shall be issued from the issue section, which should be returned on or before the due date mentioned on the date slip
- In case the book is not returned on the due date, the student shall have to pay a fine at the rate of Rs. 10/- per day.
- The due date can be extended in specific cases with the approval of librarian.
- Reference Books will not be issued for home reading or Xeroxing. They should be used only in the library with careful handling. Any damage to the book will entail fine.
- In case of loss of book, the cost of the same will be recovered. In addition, a fine of 50% of the cost of the book will be levied.
Delnet: |
e-ShodhSindhu: |
e-Shodhganga: |
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